Sunday, July 27, 2014

Rearranging the deck chairs on the RMS Titanic!

Folks, I can't make this stuff up.  Other than assuming Dan Quayle has enough on the ball to match furniture, but then again, maybe he's gotten sharper over the last 20 years!

Regardless!  Yes, your school board vice president's husband's engineering company does do work on school projects, which is a conflict of interest.  New Jersey Labor Unions never had it so good.  Though I do get a lot of this information verbally over the phone from relatives in Cleburne, usually in the format of "You are NOT going to believe this! (enter stupid thing here)!"  most of this stuff is easily verifiable through the newspaper and other sources down there, all of which are online.  

New counselor's office chairs?  Really?  Your new Superintendent there in Cleburne just got a contract with a base pay $35,000 higher than the LAST guy, at... wait for it... $180,000 a year.  Base Pay.  Additional perks?  $15,000 on top of that.  Matching chairs for any office are the last thing anyone should worry about, because I think you guys just ate up a major portion of your new chair budget, new bus budget, and new books for the kids budget all in one swipe there.

So far, I haven't heard of any of your superintendents in the last decade staying for any amount of time.  So if history has shown that they're all gonna leave in a few years after they get 'the big score' from Cleburne ISD, why, why, WHY??? would you pay ANY of these guys these ridiculous figures?

Is there anything in the new guy's contract that stipulates something along the lines of, if he leaves in less than 5 years, the ag department will run him in line when they castrate the springer bulls for the FFA kids?  Or does he have a deal like the last guy, where, if he decides to quit, in a year or two or three, he gets $110,000 as a parting gift just for the hell of it?

Also, if I remember correctly, this guy hasn't been a Superintendent before, he was just the NUMBER 2 guy at his previous gig.  Why in the world would you pay him MORE than the last guy?  or the guy before that?

Folks, if you think all of this is just silly, start asking the administration and school board about upcoming plans to try and demolish some of Cleburne ISD's classic, older, school buildings built in the 50's and 60's when construction was on a par with the Egyptian pyramids because of the fallout shelters in the basement, and replace them with new, more expensive but more cheaply made 'modern' buildings!

and why?  Well, we didn't maintain them!  ..and why?  Because we shuffled that budget money over to something else that was more important! (like the football program?)

Folks, when a tornado comes through, your kids are going to be much better off in a fallout basement hardened against Soviet Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles with nuclear warheads, than standing in the hallway of a 'modern' cheap building watching as the roof flies away.  Oh yeah, cartoon coming soon, stay tuned!

Once again, if you live in Cleburne, pay taxes that go to Cleburne ISD, or have kids that go there, start going to those school board meetings!  Administrators and School Board telling you everything is rainbows and unicorns?  Double check anything they say.  Heck, feel free to double check anything -I- say, but just get to those school board meetings!  It's YOUR money, and YOUR kids!