Thursday, July 31, 2014

Fast times at Cleburne ISD with school board member discounts!

If you pay taxes that go towards Cleburne ISD, you really need to go to the school board meetings, get up at the podium to have your 5 minutes to speak, and ask the school board, to submit, in detail, why they offered the new applicant for Superintendent more money than the last regular Superintendent.  The last guy was making $145,000 a year, plus perks, plus a clause in his contract that got him an extra $110,000 when HE quit.  Your school board offered this new guy, who hasn't even held the position of Superintendent before, and has a PhD from an online school that is described as a 'diploma mill'... online..., $180,000 a year plus another $15,000 a year in perks.

If you can't do that, then maybe you should just try to get into a poker game with any of them, because I'm  thinking they don't have very good poker faces, and are very bad about placing overly large bets.  "$180,000, plus perks.. all in!  Oh crap, I've only got  a pair of 2's!  Fold! Fold!  "

If you can't do THAT, just try and do business with them!  "Mr. School Board President, I know this car has a sticker price of $20,000, but would you like to make an offer?"
     "Yes!  $34,000!  and not a penny less!  I'll TAKE IT!"

If you can't do THAT, perhaps you should take the portion of your tax money that is going to go to Cleburne ISD for the year, lay it out in a nice fireproof container, and BURN IT, because that's about all the good it is going to do with an administration and school board overpaying Superintendents and building $277,000 hot dog stands.  

Oh yeah!  Be sure and ask the school board, the administration, the local newspaper, and school groups like the PTA, when is that open house for the new $277,000 concession stand going to be held?  I'm sure all the local taxpayers want to see what their $277,000 bought.  I'd expect the thing to be 3 stories tall with gold toilets myself, but I don't think that's what the taxpayers are going to get.

Start going to those Cleburne ISD school board meetings folks!  It's YOUR tax dollars going to these boondoggles, and YOUR kids getting a poor education.