Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Introducing the CHS Titanic!

All of this is pretty self explanatory, did you know that your bond payments are guaranteed by the state of Texas?  So if you, the taxpayers 'default' on them, the state will pick up the difference.  Makes it a lot easier to get those bonds from the lenders!  Who wouldn't want to finagle the voters into passing multimillion dollar bonds and then have tons of someone else's money to play with?   So far this process has gotten you some very overpaid short-term Superintendents, and possibly the most expensive concession stand in Texas, at a price tag of ........$277,000!

Want to see something funny?  Go check out this new concession stand they're building at the middle school for $277,000, and then look across the street at... the other concession stand already there.  I'm pretty sure that one didn't cost $277,000 dollars though.  

Don't think these folks are screwing with the budgets when the sports departments run out of money?  Have 'em audited!  Of course, the last time that happend, the auditors stopped at 5% of the way through the books, because they'd already found that the Cleburne School District owed moneys totalling over $300,000 back to the state of Texas, and HAD THEY CONTINUED they would have broken Cleburne ISD financially.  So what did they do?  Well, they just stopped the audit!  No one got their hand slapped, no one got fired, no one went to jail.   

Did you hear the one about the Superintendent?

"Little Johnny, what's wrong?"
     "We had to learn using a scratchy chalkboard and hand me down books from Beaumont ISD!"
"Heavens, why?"
     "because our computer budget was given to the Superintendent when he quit!"
"Did you complain to anyone at school?"
     "Yeah, they sent me to the couselor's office, but all he could talk about were their nice new matching chairs! Whaaaaaa...."
"Little Johnny, you can learn from this!  When you get older, YOU TOO can get a job that pays you 'go away' money when you leave!   Remember, this lesson has been... For..the..CHILDREN!"

I could go on, but it's been a long day where I've been out getting paid on what I produce, as opposed to what I can screw people out of in a contract...   Get yer butts over to those school board meetings folks!  It's your money they're wasting and your kids getting a questionable education!  

Addendum: speaking of education there.. ask around about the Spanish teacher there that may speak Spanish well, but he doesn't  speak .... English.  Of coure, this makes it difficult for the kids to learn anything other than from pointing and screaming, which is why a disproportionate number of that teacher's students are bitching about -failing-, but it must be ok, because your administration actually RE-HIRED this teacher, even after numerous complaints.  The really smart kids?  Yeah, they transferred out of his class at the beginning of the semester.. PRONTO!