Sunday, August 3, 2014

If Cleburne ISD school board members spent -their- money they way they spend -yours-

It is absolutely ludicrous that the Cleburne ISD school board would offer a guy more money than the last guy, when he isn't as qualified, and hasn't proven himself as a Superintendent -ANYWHERE- **CORRECTION** Well, the Cleburne Times Review wrote a nice fluff piece on the new Superintendent, stating that he was an 'area' Superintendent at Mansfield. Supposedly that puts him somewhere between 'THE' Superintendent, and the principals.  It will still be interesting to see if he goes on to bigger and better things (with a big payout of contract go-away money!) within 3 years or so like all the previous Superintendents of the last decade have.  Also, nowhere in their fluff piece does it state any decent reasoning to offer this guy $180k plus perks right off the bat.  But what the hell, it isn't the school board's money!  We can start the betting pool now, put me down for $5 for 3 years before he bails.  **  .  If you google the school he got his PhD at, it shows up as an -online- (that means you sit at home in front of your computer and do their 'course work') college, that has tons of complaints online about being a 'diploma mill', where, as long as you pay them the money, the course work is easy and irrelevant, because you are really just 'buying' your diploma.  

What, is your school board so inept they didn't research or google anything about this guy's history before they paid him $180,000 a year, plus $15,000 in perks?  Normally, you have a base rate relative to existing PROVEN skills that you start a payscale at, and then you get raises based on PERFORMANCE.  

What did this new guy do to deserve $35,000 MORE than the last guy, who already had Superintendent experience, and, (far as I know!) had legitimate degrees?

Folks, unless you start going to school board meetings en masse, and asking these questions, your Cleburne ISD school board and administration will continue to have Superintendents leaving every two or three years once they've gotten the 'big score' out of Cleburne ISD, $277,000 hot dog stands, and overpaid administrators.  

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