Thursday, August 28, 2014


It's amazing what you can get passed when -no one- knows there is going to be a vote on it.

So, in the spirit of that statement, I label all of you Cleburne property owners who didn't go vote 'No F'n Way!' on the latest property tax hike snuck through by the school, ......SUCKERS!   

Sure, the newspaper put information about the upcoming vote on the last page of the newspaper under an ad for hemorrhoid cream, almost guaranteeing no one would look at it, and sure enough, 16,700 of you didn't!  Is it the fault of the school board and school administration for wanting more money to play with so that the school can have more overpriced hot dog stands and overpaid administrators while having under-educated students?  Is it the fault of the newspaper for perpetrating this fraud by not informing the public of what amounts to a 12.4% raise?  Is it the fault of the teachers who basically just went out and voted themselves a raise?  Of course not!

If you are a property owner in Cleburne, and you don't keep up with this stuff to maintain oversight over the spending habits of the school administration and local government, it is ... YOUR FAULT.

Keep in mind, the FIRST time the newspaper there mentioned what the tax increase would be, they said it would be only 2%.  Of course, when they printed the correction, well, that went back on the last page under the hemorrhoid cream ad!  Do you expect small children to behave rationally when candy is involved?  Of course not!  So don't expect school administrators, school boards, and teachers, to act rationally where money and a paycheck is involved!  Who else in the world gets to vote themselves a raise anyway?

Your property taxes just went up 12.4%.  That is a pretty healthy chunk folks.  How many of you had your income go up 12.4% in the last year?  Decade?  When accounting for inflation?   Right.  You'll be told, well, it's just the price of a happy meal every month!  Ha!  Not unless you live in a woodshed!  Folks, if you don't create oversight over these folks who can sneak in tax increases that pull money out of your pocket, they will keep raising your taxes to get more money in THEIR pockets!  Remember, no child ever voluntarily put down the candy, they'll just keep at it until they are stuffed and unconscious, and your local school administration will do the same thing, except that they can keep yanking money out of your pocket until YOU go broke, and some other sucker lives in your house.

Here's an idea.  The 16,700 of you who DIDN'T vote on this tax increase, should really get together, and sue the crap out of the newspaper for not putting information about this upcoming vote somewhere more prominent in the paper other than under the back page hemorrhoid ad, and, you should all sue the crap out of the school for going out of their way to make sure no one knew about this vote.  You all got scammed, and NOW you're gonna have to pay for it.

And to prevent future train wrecks like this one?  You'd all probably want to keep up with what your school board is doing, as pretty much any action they take has the potential to COST.  YOU.  MONEY.


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